Thursday, June 5, 2008

Leaving for my family reunion

Tomorrow evening, I leave with my mom for the long drive from rural Upstate South Carolina to rural northwestern Missouri, where her brothers and sisters and other assorted family members meet annually for our family reunion. I look forward to these reunions, which we began in the 1990s after my grandfather passed away. My mom's siblings are good people to spend time with, and I look decidedly more like them than like my dad's side of the family.

The downside of the trip is the drive itself, which is more than 18 hours long. We would love to fly, and have flown before, but even Bushgas is cheaper than flying now.

This year, we'll stay in Maryville, which is sort of central to the family members who remain in that region. (Not all do; some will come from Atlanta, some from near Branson, some from Michigan.)

So I'll likely be away from the blog for the next week or so, and I hope to have some notes to share when I get back.

Oh, and I predict Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas will be Obama's choice for vice president. Just for the record.

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